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Facebooks NEW statistical modelling, and what it means for your business


So you thought you got through the iOS14 changes with little to no hitches?

Maybe you thought 'they can't really change their tracking/metrics can they?!'

Well think again ... anyone who has logged onto ads manager in the past few days would have seen the below footnotes in your results column.

So, 1) What the hell are these and, 2) What do they mean for my results?

1) These footnotes are used when a certain result is showing a subtle difference in how it is being calculated at the end of the campaign. If you are to hover over these footnotes there will be a brief explanation of the particular results that have been calculated.

2) With Facebook ramping up privacy settings, allowing consumers to opt-in or out of being tracked through the path to purchase, the tracking will not be as precise as it once was. As a result, Facebook will start using statistical modelling, which is taking data from several different sources to measure the activity, and this can be hard to count precisely.

The key thing here that Facebook Business Centre wants to caution is in comparing the new modelled data sets to those previously downloaded due to the change in method and while these changes pose questions to the effectiveness of targeting and measurement, the heart of the matter is that ...

Effective campaigns still breed effective results, even if the measurement of success is no longer as precise as it once was.

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